Enabling High-Performance Computing (HPC) in Region 3 SUCs: a Focus Group on HPC Education and Research

The Commission on Higher Education-Central Luzon Region (CHED-CLR) has duly endorsed to region 3 SUCs an event about the Focus Group Discussion on High-Performance Computing (HPC) Education and Research held via ZOOM last December 15, 2022. Organized and facilitated by the CLSU Supercomputing Facility, participants included faculty, researchers and experts to explore potential areas of collaboration pertaining to the use of HPC technology among the Region 3 SUCs. Committed towards strengthening our nation’s competitiveness in the ASEAN region, the SUC3 discussion on HPC shall enable to support and lead the Industry 4.0 workforce readiness in the region, while achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) advocacy of the United Nations. Particularly, this event addresses the SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure) and SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goal).

Highlights of the focused discussion involves the following: (1) identified gaps of HPC in the university, (2) potential solutions and future plans on enabling HPC in the university, (3) enabling IR4.0 workforce readiness of graduates from SUC3, and (4) the possibility of creating a region 3 consortium on HPC and its related technologies. Actively engaged during the discussion include the supportive delegates from SUC3: ASCOT, BASC, BSU, BulSU, CLSU, DHVSU, NEUST, TAU and TSU. Most delegates expressed gratitude and support to CLSU on spearheading this HPC initiative in the region, particularly on delivering IR4.0 to the nation. The meeting discussion ended on a good note with confidence and great satisfaction that all SUC3 members are looking forward to a productive and cooperative year of 2023.