Collaboration is an essential component of innovation. By bringing together diverse perspectives, knowledge, and expertise, collaborators can develop more innovative and creative solutions to complex problems. You may check below the options for collaboration geared towards innovation.

Joint projects: Two or more individuals or organizations can collaborate on a joint project to achieve a common goal. For example, scientists from different countries can collaborate on a research project to study climate change.

Co-creation: Two or more parties can collaborate to co-create a product or service. For example, a company can collaborate with its customers to create a new product that meets their needs.

Partnership: Two or more organizations can collaborate through a partnership. For example, a non-profit organization can partner with a for-profit company to fund a community project.

Cross-functional teams: Collaboration can occur within a team or department of an organization. Cross-functional teams bring together individuals from different departments or areas of expertise to collaborate on a project.

Knowledge sharing: Collaboration can also occur through knowledge sharing. For example, professionals in the same field can collaborate to share best practices and new developments in their field.